Discoid Roaches (Blaberus discoidalis) – Identification, Uses, Breeding, and Other Facts

The discoid roaches show unique physical features compared to an ideal cockroach. A juvenile discoid roach resembles a sand cockroach, whereas the older one resembles a Blaberus craniifer.

Quick overview of discoid roach: these are the larger cockroach species that live in tropical South America and can’t fly. They rise in an aquarium and are a high protein source for many pets.

Here, I will share the identifying features of the discoid cockroach with pictures. This article will also reveal their breeding, benefits, and other facts.

So, let’s learn the various facts about a discoid cockroach with images.

What are discoid roaches? – Blaberus discoidalis

These oval-elongated, unique cockroach species look like sand or desert cockroaches. These cockroach species live in tropical South America.

The discoid roaches are also commonly known as the false death head cockroach. Another name for this cockroach is tropical cockroaches due to their habitat.

The body length of the older discoid cockroach is more than the typical roach. Thus, they are also considered as the roach under the “Giant Roach” family.

The scientific name of the discoid cockroach: is Blaberus discoidalis,

Discoid Cockroaches Facts
Discoid Cockroaches Facts

Unique facts of discoid cockroach

Different pet lovers keep this discoid cockroach for their pet’s feed. For this reason, these pet owners raise the discoid roach in an aquarium.

The followings are some of the unique facts that help to raise discoid cockroaches in an aquarium –

  • #1. The discoid cockroach has a long oval body with or without wings and it can’t fly,
  • #2. These cockroaches also can’t climb smooth surfaces like glass and plane surfaces,
  • #3. They are considered the rapid breeder and breed readily in captive for pet feeds,

Small discoid roaches Facts identification

In this section, you will see the external identifying features of the discoid cockroach. They have no noticeable similarities with the true death head cockroaches.

But why is the discoid roach called the false death head cockroach? Well, you will know that after identifying the small discoid roach.

The body of a small discoid roach is oval and elongated in shape. Typically, they can grow up to 7.5 centimeters.

But, some of the species of discoid cockroaches may range from 3.5 – 4 centimeters.

This discoid cockroach has the typical 3 segments in their body – head, thorax, and abdomen. You will find a branded marking on the top of the thorax of the discoid roach.

The abdomen of a discoid cockroach shows 7 – 9 distinct segments (transverse grooves). You will exceptionally find the larger cercus in the caudal part of the discoid roach’s abdomen.

The body color of the discoid roach varies from black to brown. Typically, most of the older cockroach shows brown and black mixer color on their body.

Both male and female discoid cockroaches have strong, short legs like sand cockroaches. You will see the larger hair on the legs of the discoid cockroach. But, there are no hairs on the whole body of the discoid cockroach.

This cockroach possesses 3 pairs of legs but is slightly or more exceptional than the ideal cockroach. You may get an idea of the ideal cockroach legs from the below-mentioned article on insect pets –

The antennae of the discoid cockroach are segmented and shorter, like the sand cockroach.

Summary of the external features of discoid cockroach

Let’s see the overview of the external features of a discoid roach from Table 1 –

FeaturesDiscoid Roaches
Shape of the bodyOval elongated
Length of the body7.5 centimeters
Body colorBrown-black
Segments in body3 segments
Marking on bodyMarking on thorax
Hairs on bodyAbsent
Legs3 pairs
Have larger hairs
WingsOlder – have wings
Young – no wings
Lifespan10 – 14 months
Egg to olderNeed 3 – 5 months
ExoskeletonVery hard
External Features of a Discoid Cockroach

I hope these distinct, identifiable features of discoid roach might help you differentiate it from other cockroaches.

Can discoid roaches fly?

Quick answer: no, discoid roaches cannot fly. Both the male and female discoid cockroaches have pairs of wings. But, they are considered non-flying and non-climbing roaches.

This is due to the structure of their wings. The membranous part of these cockroach wings is less than other ideal cockroaches.

They have short and sclerotized wings that are not suitable for their flying. Again, other factors like the flight muscles’ structure and longer body (heavy body masses) are also responsible for not flying this cockroach.

You may learn more about cockroach flying – do they really fly? Or why they cannot fly. You will know the details of cockroaches flying from a below-mentioned article on insect pets –

How big do discoid roaches get?

The larger discoid roach may be 7.5 centimeters long, but the small roach may vary from 3.5 to 4 centimeters. So, these roaches are larger than other cockroaches like filed or German.

You may get an idea about the length and body characteristics of the Field and German cockroaches from the below-mentioned article on insect pets –

Again, the body size nymph or juvenile discoid roach resembles the older German cockroach.

Summary of the discoid cockroach size:

  • #1. Older larger cockroaches – 7.5 to 8.5 centimeters, and
  • #2. Juvenile or nymph of discoid cockroach (or smaller discoid) – 3.5 – 4.5 centimeters,

What does a baby discoid cockroach look like?

The baby discoid cockroach looks like a small bug. Sometimes, the baby discoid cockroach looks like the female sand cockroach.

You will see the 3 segments and legs in the body discoid cockroach. But they have no wings on their thorax segment.

Again, you will see the marking on the top of the baby discoid cockroach’s thorax. The transverse grooves or segments are also present in the baby discoid roach.

The color is also similar to the older discoid but varies from the sand cockroach.

You may get the idea of a typical (or some common cockroach) baby roach from the below-mentioned article –

You may easily differentiate the baby discoid cockroach from the sand cockroach. The presence of body hair and dusty brown color is the major differentiating points between these two cockroaches.

Let’s find the major differences in their external body from Table 2 –

FeaturesBaby discoid roachSand cockroach
Body shapeOval – elongatedMale – oval
Female – oval elongated
Look likeSand cockroach
Small bugs
Male – German roach
Female – Trilobites
ColorBrown blackFemale – black
Male – dusty brown
WingsWinglessMale – has wings
Female – wingless
Hairs on bodyNo hairsNumerous hairs
Possess larger hairs
Short and strong
Numerous short hairs
Differences Between Discoid Roach and Sand Roach

Discoid roach vs true death’s head cockroach

The true death head cockroach is very similar to the discoid roach. You may need clarification to identify these two cockroaches specifically. Thus, you need to know the variation between these two deathhead cockroaches.

The true dead’s head cockroach (Blaberus craniifer) is the most nervous roach in the world. They are striking-looking roaches among the giant cockroach family.

The body length of the true deadhead cockroach is also more and ranges from 7 – 8 centimeters. But, you will see some unique external features in the true death head cockroach.

This Blaberus craniifer has a black marking on the caudal aspect of its head. Again, the body is more or less elongated than these of the discoid roach.

The antennae of the Blaberus craniifer are longer compared to the discoid cockroach. Let’s see the important differentiating features between discoid roach vs true death’s head cockroach from Table 3 –

FeaturesDiscoid CockroachDeath’s Head Cockroach
Body shapeOval elongatedElongated
ColorBlack brownMostly brown
MarkingHave groove on thoraxBlack marking on head
Legs hairLarger
ClimbingNot capableNot capable
How to Differentiate Discoid Roach (Blaberus discoidalis) from Death Head Roach (Blaberus craniifer)

Like the juvenile discoid cockroach, you will not find any wings in the younger Blaberus craniifer.

They need minimal care to keep the Blaberus craniifer as a pet or for other purposes. Unlike the other cockroaches, you will find little odor in the Blaberus caraniifer roaches.

What are discoid roaches used for?

The discoid roaches are very easy to raise in captivity, making good food for pets. They can breed faster than other cockroaches.

This discoid cockroach is the source of high protein food for various pets like –

  • Tarantulas,
  • Bearded dragons, other lizards, and
  • For pet dogs,

The pet dogs are offered the discoid cockroach as the dried food.

To raise a discoid cockroach, you need a little care and management. The discoid cockroaches need high humidity to be rare.

Thus, misting with water is required to maintain this high humidity in captivity. Again, you might provide sufficient drinking water to the discoid roach in captivity.

A sponge in a shallow dish is very effective for drinking water for the discoid cockroach.

Are discoid roaches good for bearded dragons?

Quick answer: Yes, the discoid roach is good food for bearded dragons. Bearded dragons need high protein to maintain their body requirements.

As you know, the discoid roach is an easy, high-protein source. So, the discoid roach may be good for the bearded dragons.

Discoid roaches breeding

The discoid cockroach is a rapid breeder and reaches the breeding age at 6 months. But, they require keeping in a warm place with 85 – 90 degrees F.

This environment temperature is required for more productive breeding for the discoid cockroach. The female discoid cockroach will carry the eggs inside their brooding pouch within the abdomen.

Most of these cockroaches lay eggs in an ootheca that is either deposited on or under a suitable substrate. Here, the eggs of the discoid cockroach last from a few weeks (5) to a few months (3-6).

The young are active from hatching and resemble the older discoid roach. But the young discoid cockroach lacks wings and has a lighter color.

The young discoid cockroach develops through several numbers of nymphal instars. This development requires more time ranging from 2 to several months or even a year.

Coconut fiber may be a good substrate for discoid’s nymphs as they can readily burrow it. Again, the coconut fiber holds the humidity of the environment where the discoid cockroach rises.

You should provide a variety of fresh fruits and vegetable scraps to the young discoid roach. The dry and fresh foods should keep separate in the aquarium where the cockroach rises.

You should also provide a freshwater source (water dish) for the young active discoid roach in the aquarium.

Can discoid roaches infest your house?

According to the nature of discoid roaches, they cannot infest your house like other cockroaches. They cannot climb on the glass or fly, so getting out of the aquarium where they raise is very hard.

But, they can climb the silicone and such types of material. Thus, if you make the aquarium with these materials, they may climb the corners of the aquarium.

Again, if you don’t provide any sufficient water source in the aquarium, the young discoid may get out. At that time, the discoid roach may infest your house.

So, you may use the glass in the aquarium and provide a sufficient water source. Thus, you may reduce the risk of infestation in your house by the discoid roach.

Do discoid roaches smell?

The discoid roach produces considerably less odor than other common feeder insects. They make fewer odors than crickets and other various species of cockroaches like the Oriental or German roaches.

The discoid cockroach can survive on many substrates (like coconut fibers). Sometimes, they (discoid roach) can clean their cage.

If you keep the discoid roach in a cage, you need to clean them every month or less.

Do discoid roaches make noise?

No, the discoid roach doesn’t make any noise like other insects (cicadas, crickets, and bumblebees). But, the Madagascan hissing cockroach can produce noise among the roach species.

The body structure of the Madagascan hissing cockroach and discoid cockroach is different. You may get an idea of – what insect can produce the sound and how from the below-mentioned article on insect pets –

If you love to keep cockroaches as pets, you may find the full guide on their caring from other different articles on insect pets.


So, the discoid roaches are the larger oval and elongated species that cannot fly or climb. They have almost similar external body characteristics to sand cockroaches.

The discoid cockroaches are silent, non-odorous, and beneficial insects for pets. They (discoid roach) will not make noise or infest your house.

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